Monday, February 25, 2013

Religion the number one cause of poverty!

One of the things religion provides to the human spirit is hope. Prayer is a refuge for people who are failing but aren't ready to despair. Obviously, the wealthy are more likely to be content with their state and less likely to feel they need supernatural help to accomplish things. Those already content with life perceive less need for religion to inspire them. If they think about it at all, they decide that God must be on their side already, and maybe they remember to thank him.

I think people stay in poverty for one of two reasons: their own incompetence, or lack of opportunity.

Often when the cause is their own incompetence, people in poverty take the "Jesus do it for me" approach and do nothing themselves to climb out. In that case I don't believe it's fair to blame the religion for their condition. But when the cause is lack of opportunity, it's often the case that those who deny them opportunity encourage a theology that teaches them to be content to be poor. It still isn't religion that causes the poverty -- religion merely provides a rational excuse for what would otherwise be obvious injustice.

So I guess I'd conclude that religion facilitates laziness which cause poverty,then in turn poverty causes more religion. and the circle keeps going ..this behavior is called hopend !
  agnophilo wrote
I routinely check out the latest gallup polls, and they often have ones about religion.  I just saw this one:

People were asked if religion played an important part in their daily lives, the dark green states said yes with rates as high as 85% saying yes, and the lightest states said no with rates as low as half of that saying religion was important to their daily lives.

Out of curiosity I wondered what the poverty rates were in the dark and light regions and guessed there would be some kind of correlation.  So I googled it and the first map I found (from the CDC) indicating poverty geographically showed this:

 Notice any sort of correlation?

Now three things can be deduced from this:

One, it's a random fluke.  Unlikely, but possible.

Two, it indicates that religion causes poverty.

Or three, it indicates that poverty promotes religious adherence.

I think it's a combination of 2 and 3.  I think that religion generally throws a monkey wrench into society when politicians use it to get elected, swindle their constituents and ignore their needs, and I think - actually make that I know that sadness and pain and kittens dying etc promotes religious adherence.  There is almost always an up-tick in church attendance and other social indicators of religious adherence whenever there is a disaster.  Bear in mind homicide rates and pregnancies go up as well, religion isn't the only way people cope with bad times.

The reason this is important is because it puts religion not in the realm of something we objectively know or can verify or can independently conclude, but rather in the realm of human psychology.  Religious devotion isn't caused by god reaching down from heaven and touching your soul, it is caused by your upbringing, culture and life experiences.  If god called out to all people and everyone "knew god in their hearts" as many evangelists claim, or the evidence for christianity is abundantly obvious as many creationists insist, then there would not be correlations like this, and poverty, disasters and geography wouldn't determine religious belief.  But they do.

SHARE WITH YOUR VIEWS ... look at africa , the most religious continent of earth as well as the most poor continent on earth !!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Miracle Pill to Stop Aging!

A Russian scientist says he has beaten the problem of aging and in just a few years the medicine that stops it will go on sale.

Professor Vladimir Skulachev says he managed to find an anti-oxidant that stops the gradual deterioration of health caused by age.

It looks complicated and it certainly is. For Vladimir Skulachev it is almost a life's work. Two more years of testing and the doctor thinks he will have finally cracked the enigma of aging.

Apparently it's all about how oxygen reacts in the body.

“99% of the time oxygen turns into harmless water, but there's that one percent that turns into a super-oxide that later turns into very poisonous elements,” Vladimir Skulachev, Professor of Bioenergetics, reveals. “So the task was to find an anti-oxidant that stops that process.”

And hence, according to the professor, it would also stop people from getting old.

He has been working to prefect his treatment for more than 40 years. The difficult part of the process has been to try and prevent any side-effects, he notes.

Colleagues around the world think Dr Skulachev is on to something.

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Gunter Blobel, M.D., Ph.D. at Rockefeller University, believes Skulachev’s theories look very realistic.

It has been shown that oxidative damage is huge. But we do not have an anti-oxidant of the type that Skulachev has developed. He coined the term bioenergetics. He is clearly the world’s best bio-chemist and bio-energetic scientist,” Blobel stated.

The compound has already undergone animal testing and the results appear promising.

Rats that have been given the drug are much more lively than those not treated.

“Finally, we hope that we will manage to convince people that a single pill treats many threats of aging. So, it must be doing something with the aging itself,” Maksim Skulachev Cand. Sc. (Biology) explains. “Then, if authorities will accept this logic, maybe we could somehow market it as anti-aging drug.”

After success with eye drops in animals, the inventor tried the medicine on his own cataract.
Six months later, his physician told him his cataract was gone.

Thousands are queuing to take part in the clinical trials, which have just begun. But it will be a few years before Dr Skulachev's discovery reaches the shelves of an average pharmacy.

Some have already dubbed the drug a panacea. And if it lives up to its promise, the treatment should have an effect on the diseases of aging and bring with it the prospect of a longer and better quality of life.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Psychological test! Know your self

Without hesitation, relying only on your feelings, choose a picture that seems most attractive.

1. Generous and moral
You aspire to be the best. You have the highest ambitions and standards. People may tend to think that things are hard for you, but you only find difficulty within yourself. You work hard, but you're not selfish. You work because you want to make the world better. You love, as long as you do not hurt. And after still do not cease to love. Very few people can appreciate all that you do.

2. Fascinating and honest
You are a responsible person who cares about others. You believe in honest work and easy to take on the obligations. You have good character. You call the confidence of the people. You are bright, quick and witty. You are diffident, you always have something interesting to tell.

3. Intelligent and thoughtful
You are a great thinker. Your thoughts and ideas - the most important. You love to think about theories and views alone. Are you an introvert. You get along with someone who likes to think and learn. You are never superficial. You spend a lot of time thinking about morality. You are trying to do what is right, even if the majority of society does not agree with you.

4. Insightful and philosophical
You are a unique, one of a kind soul. Next to you there's no one even slightly similar to you. You are intuitive and a bit quirky. You are often misunderstood, and it hurts you. You need personal space. You need to develop your creativity, you creativity requires respect from others. Are you a person who clearly sees the light and dark sides of life. You are very emotional.

5. Confident and dominating
You are very independent. Your principle is"do it alone". Rely only on oneself. You know how to stay strong for yourself and the people you love. You know what you want and you're not afraid to go to meet it. The only thing you need from the people is to be honest with you. Are you ready for the truth.

6. Kind and sensitive
You can easily build a relationship with people. You have a lot of friends, and you love to make their lives better. You have a warm and bright aura. People feel very easy in your presence. Every day you are thinking how to become even better. You want to be interesting, insightful and unique. You need love more than anyone in the world. Are you ready to love those who love you in return.

7. Happy and unflappable
You are sensitive and understanding . You listen carefully and without judgment. You think everyone has their own path in life. You easily connect with people and events. You stress, rarely worry. You tend to be very relaxed. You always a good time ,at the same time never losing your own path

8. Charming and energetic
You are a very funny person. You are in harmony with the world. You are spontaneous. Always full of enthusiasm. You are always "for", especially when it comes to some adventure. You often surprise and excite people. But what can you do ... that's who you are. You are always interested, you easily get carried away. If something interests you, you can not rest until you look into it thoroughly.

9. Full of optimism and successful
You believe that life - it is a gift, and you are trying to do as much as possible and use as much of what you have been given. You are immensely proud of what have made in life. With those you love, are willing to share all the joys and sorrows. You have a very healthy outlook on life. You use every opportunity to forgive, learn and grow. Life is too short to do anything else.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Apple TV could destroy console gaming

Earlier this week, Nat Brown, one of the original Xbox team members at Microsoft, wrote a piece on the present and future of gaming, and Apple's potential to shape it.
   A game-enabled Apple HDTV or set-top box would be the death of console gaming as we know it, according to the man who co-founded Microsoft's Xbox.
In a post on his personal blog, entitled "Stupid, Stupid Xbox!" Nat Brown bemoaned the lack of opportunities for third-party game developers to make money in the console world, like they can on iOS and Android.
He said if Apple chooses to bring its App Store success to any forthcoming TV-related projects, developers would jump on board and it could wipe out the likes of Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.
He said: "Apple, if it chooses to do so, will simply kill Playstation, Wii U, and Xbox by introducing an open 30 per cent cut app/game ecosystem for Apple TV," wrote Brown, who claims to have named the Xbox back in the day.

Ecosystem not growing

Brown added that Microsoft's biggest problem going forward is the lack of a developing ecosystem that allows devs to create games for Xbox with inexpensive equipment.

"I will be the first to write apps for Apple TV when I can, and I know I'll make money. I would for Xbox if I could and I knew I would make money," he vowed.
"Xbox's primary critical problem is the lack of a functional and growing platform ecosystem for small developers to sell digitally/network-distributed (non-disc) content through to the installed base of Xbox customers, period.
"Why can't I write a game for Xbox tomorrow using $100 worth of tools and my existing Windows laptop and test it on my home Xbox or at my friends' houses? Why can't I then distribute it digitally in a decent online store... like I can for Android or iPhone, or for iPad?"
Brown pointed out that Microsoft charges console developers $10,000 a year to publish games on the platform and demands a ton of paperwork is filed alongside that massive chunk of wonga, virtually ruling small developers out of embracing the platform.
Do you think Apple has the ability to take over our living room gaming activities even with the Xbox 720 and PS4 on the horizon? Let us know in the comments section below.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why do Fathers Love their Daughters More & Mothers their Sons?

It's natural for men to compete with each other, but it's usually healthy competition. Boys look up to their fathers, but also compete with them as the alpha-male of the household. This is a natural and subconscious response. Boys feel less threatened by their mothers and so are more apt to share more with their mothers, especially in the area of feelings. This makes mothers and Sons closer than Fathers and Sons. The same goes with bringing Fathers and Daughters closer together
According to Freud, children go through a phase of attachments to the opposite sex parent which is called "oedipal complex", based on the ancient Greek story of Oedipus who ended up unknowingly killing his father and marrying his mother.
Basically the little boy is "in love" with his mommy until he realizes that daddy won't let him take her away so the boy redirects his desire from his mom to other women.

This theory was very rough then and has been refined and reviewed almost beyond recognition many times. But yeah girls do go through a phase where daddy's the best man in the world and boys through a phase where mommy's the most beautiful.

In the early days of psychology, Sigmund Freud developed a unique conception of how the child’s personality develops.

Freud theorized that child development occurs in three distinct phases: the oral stage, the anal stage and the phallic stage. The Oedipus and Electra complexes occur at a subconscious level within boys and girls respectively, during the phallic stage of development.

The Oedipus Complex

The Oedipus complex argues that the young boy desires his mother as a love interest. According to Freud, "Unfortunately for the boy, his father stands in the way of his love. The boy therefore feels aggression and envy towards this rival, his father, and also feels fear that the father will strike back at him." The boy expects that he will punished by his father, for his desire, by being castrated.

This anxiety is exacerbated when the boy realizes that girls have no penis; he assumes that they have had their penis removed as a punishment. The boy realizes that he cannot possess his mother and place himself opposite his father as a rival; instead he learns that he must possess another female and identify with his father.

The Electra Complex

The Electra complex acts as the female equivalent of the Oedipus complex states that the young girl is attached to the mother, like the young boy. This is not surprising, as the mother tends to be the primary caregiver and object of desire.

Upon realizing that the she, as all women, has no penis and subsequently she suffers "penis envy." Like the boy in the Oedipus complex, "the girl learns her role by identifying with her mother in an attempt to possess her father vicariously."

Fixation in Freud's Child Development Theory

As with the other stages in the child’s development, fixation that occurs at the phallic stage may produce certain characteristics, in this case: "a phallic character, who is reckless, resolute, self-assured, and narcissistic – excessively vain and proud." The failure to resolve the conflict can also cause a person to be afraid or incapable of close love.

Freud postulated that fixation at the phallic stage could be a root cause of homosexuality.

Today's View of the Oedipus and Electra Complex

Although both the Oedipus and Electra complexes have been subjected to harsh criticism, especially from feminists, Freud’s influence does seem to echo throughout adult life in terms of male and female characteristics and behaviors.

Boys learn that they must become like their father, who is stereotypically aggressive, ambitious, powerful, and in direct contrast to his mother, who is stereotypically passive, obedient and nurturing.

As the boy learns to identify with his father, the girl learns to identify with the mother. As such, the way that both the boy and the girl come to relate to their mother and father, by way of the Oedipus and Electra complexes, will determine their behaviors and affect their relationships in later life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Apples next gadget iwatch ! the apple keeps falling.

yeah you heard me right iWATCH !!
               It is believed to be Apple's next big thing - yet the secretive firm has not made a single comment about it..
However, that hasn't stopped people around the world speculating on exactly what an 'iWatch' might look like and how it would work.
Designers have even revealed their take on Apple's new 'smart watch' with professional looking mockups of the device, ranging from a glass cuff to a 'claw' design.
How the iWatch might look and work: Yrving Torrealba's translucent concept is made from a new type of flexible glass
The rumours started when Chinese websites reported in December that the computer giant is working with chip-maker Intel on a wrist-worn gadget.
It is thought to have a 1.5inch screen and uses Bluetooth to communicate with other devices, which could include an iPhone.
The 'iWatch' will go on sale at some point this year, the report claimed. Chinese site Tech.163 said Intel has developed a Smart Watch that Apple is interested in.The rumours come after an independent attempt to create a smart watch, called Pebble, became a huge success online.
Its inventors used Kickstarter to try and raise $10,000 so they could develop it - but instead raised $10million, and hope to begin production soon.
'Pebble is the first watch built for the 21st century,' say its creators. 'It's infinitely customizable, with beautiful downloadable watch faces and useful internet-connected apps.

     Here are some concepts of the supposedly iwatch

what do u think guys?

10 ways to spend money

Everyday Things

This does not mean that we should give the last pants for the new iPhone. Things that you use every day, in reasonable order, must be purchased and updated. Not to save on your home desktop computer that will slow down and reduce your productivity, do not buy cheap Glasses, which will break in the first month. Avaricious pays twice or even three times.


They say money cannot buy good health, but that does not mean that you are not to spend to improve it. Regular exercise in the room, exactly as home inventory, requires a cost. Therefore, part of the budget must be allocated monthly to maintain yourself in biological shape. other then feeling old age earlier than expected.

The moral and physical recreation

Work without vacation is of course very cool and an honor, but are you thinking about your internal resources? are they infinite. Decided to make all the money? Watch out otherwise you would end up working in order to buy medication for physical and nervous exhaustion. Take a rest in the manner you like to!, do not skimp on this kind of activity. And then again in the fight with renewed vigor.


This point echoes the previous one, because this and that equal vacation. But traveling is also a method of understanding the world, and others, after all - oneself. Trips to other countries sometimes are not cheap, but worth, its wrong to consider it as thrown out money to the wind....well i think not. Late in life to realize that in addition to your city, you have only visited your mothers village would be a painful revelation. At least once every 2 years collect your bags and hit the road.

Talents and skills

If you consider yourself a strong expert and connoisseur of all things, it is certainly fine, but not always the case. Rather, you are a man with a swollen sense of self-importance.A person always has to mingle and needs to develop. Sign up for a course professor, learn some foreign language, visit specialized seminars. Of course, a good knowledge and lessons cost money. But hey! that's an investment on itself , and thus useful.


Home - this is your fortress and refuge. If winter finds it's way into your shelter through a hole in the window, then your window needs a repair (it's just that simple). And you must agree, it is better to splurge once, for example, a washing machine, rather than hand wash my stuff and lose a lot of time.


Buy good gifts for friends and loved ones. After all, to give joy to your loved one is probably the most noble investment.


Update your wardrobe - it does not mean that you need buy up all new staff you see on the market . But to walk in the old, worn-out things will not work. People in the modern world, unfortunately,judge by dress code . Create the first impression - very important, therefore, to spare the money for it is not necessary. And do not forget to pat you new shirt for the interview ;)

Correction / repair

Do not ride in the winter bald summer tires - replace. Do not wait for virus attacks, buy antivirus. Do not put off "for later" repair and replacement of things that, in the end, will break down at the worst possible moment. Fix it all at once, rather than later when it will require more effort, money and time.

Normal food

Like a hamburger for $ 1? Wriggling on juice and drink cheap soda? Prepare money for the treatment of gastritis and other muck. Why feed yourself constantly cheap and low-quality food? You're not a pig and certainly not your enemy.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Random Philosophical Questions List

Philosophical Questions to Ask People
Why do banks charge a fee on “insufficient funds” when they know there is not enough?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

Why do they use sterilised needles for death by lethal injection?

Whose idea was it to put an “S” in the word “lisp”?

What is the speed of darkness?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

If it’s true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?

If someone with a split personality threatens to commit suicide, is it a hostage situation?

What level of importance must a person have, before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered

Philosophical Questions to Ask Someone

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?

Why do they use sterilised needles for death by lethal injection?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a gun at him?

Are there specially reserved parking spaces for non-disabled people at The Special Olympics?

If you send someone 'Styrofoam', how do you pack it?

If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

If it's true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?

Do married people live longer than single ones or does it only seem longer?

If someone with a split personality threatens to commit suicide, is it a hostage situation?
Really Philosophical Questions
If the "black box" survives every plane crash, why not make the entire plane out of that stuff?

If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

Instead of talking to your plants, if you yell at them would they still grow, only to be troubled and insecure?

Isn't it a little scary that a doctor's work is called practice?

Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?

Shouldn't it be called a "near hit" rather than a "near miss"?

There are 24 hours in a day, and 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?

What hair color do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?

What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?

When you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?

Whose cruel idea was it for the word "lisp" to have an "s" in it?

Why is there an eject button on the VCR remote? Don't you have to get up to get to the tape?

Why are builders afraid to have a 13th floor but book publishers aren't afraid to have a Chapter 11?

Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?

Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Philosophical Questions to Ponder
Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

Why do they call them "apartments" when they are all stuck together?

Why do "tug" boats push their barges?

Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Why do we sing "Take me out to the ball game", when we are already there?

Why do people without a watch look at their wrist when you ask them what time it is?

Why does "slow down" and "slow up" mean the same thing?

Why do we say things "go off" when they are actually turning on?

Why does flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?

Why don't you ever see baby crows or pigeons?

Why is it building "buildings", shouldn't they be called a "built" when completed?

Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?

Why is it called "after dark", when it is really after light?

Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?

Why is lemon juice mostly artificial ingredients but dishwashing liquid contains real lemons?

Why is Mickey Mouse bigger than his dog Pluto?

Why is there only one commission that determines monopolies?

Why do banks charge you a "non-sufficient funds fee" on money they know you don't have?

What's another word for thesaurus? What's another word for synonym?

What is the speed of dark?

What do you do when you discover and an endangered animal that only eats endangered plants?

Why are there Braille signs on drive-up ATM's?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Philosophical Questions to Ask Friends
Did Adam and Eve have navels?

Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you?

But when you take him in a car, he sticks his head out the window!

Do one legged ducks swim in circles?

Do atheists get insurance for acts of God?

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Does anybody ever vanish with a trace?

How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him?

How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?

How does a shelf salesman keep his store from looking empty?

How fast do you have to go to keep up with the sun so you're never in darkness?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

    Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential.
1. Solve puzzles and brainteasers.
2. Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Switch hands for knife and fork.
3. Embrace ambiguity. Learn to enjoy things likeparadoxes and optical illusions.
4. Learn mind mapping.
5. Block one or more senses. Eat blindfolded, wear earplugs, shower with your eyes closed.
6. Develop comparative tasting. Learn to properly taste wine, chocolate, beer,cheese or anything else.
7. Find intersections between seemingly unrelated topics.
8. Learn to use different keyboard layouts. Try Colemak or Dvorak for a full mind twist!
9. Find novel uses for common objects. How many different uses can you find for a nail? 10? 100?
10. Reverse your assumptions.
11. Learn creativity techniques.
12. Go beyond the first, ‘right’ answer.
13. Transpose reality. Ask “What if?” questions.
15. Turn pictures or the desktop wallpaper upside down.
16. Become a critical thinker. Learn to spot common fallacies.
17. Learn logic. Solve logic puzzles.
18. Get familiar with the scientific method.
19. Draw. Doodle. You don’t need to be an artist.
20. Think positive.
21. Engage in arts — sculpt, paint, play music — or any other artistic endeavor.
22. Learn to juggle.
23. Eat ‘brain foods’.
24. Be slightly hungry.
25. Exercise!
26. Sit up straight.
27. Drink lots of water.
28. Deep-breathe.
29. Laugh!
30. Vary activities. Get a hobby.
31. Sleep well.
32. Power nap.
33. Listen to music.
34. Conquer procrastination.
35. Go technology-less.
36. Look for brain resources in the web.
37. Change clothes. Go barefoot.
38. Master self-talk.
39. Simplify!
40. Play chess or other board games. Play via Internet (particularly interesting is toplay an ongoing game by e-mail).
41. Play ‘brain’ games. Sudoku, crossword puzzles or countless others.
42. Be childish!
43. Play video games.
44. Be humorous! Write or create a joke.
45. Create a List of 100.
46. Have an Idea Quota.
47. Capture every idea. Keep an idea bank.
48. Incubate ideas. Let ideas percolate. Return to them at regular intervals.
49. Engage in ‘theme observation’. Try to spot the color red as many times as possible in a day. Find cars of a particular make. Invent a theme and focus on it.
50. Keep a journal.
51. Learn a foreign language.
52. Eat at different restaurants – ethnic restaurants specially.
53. Learn how to program a computer.
54. Spell long words backwards. !gnignellahC
55. Change your environment. Change the placement of objects or furniture — or go somewhere else.
56. Write! Write a story, poetry, start a blog.
57. Learn sign language.
58. Learn a musical instrument.
59. Visit a museum.
60. Study how the brain works.
61. Learn to speed-read.
62. Find out your learning style.
63. Dump the calendar!
64. Try to mentally estimate the passage of time.
65. “Guesstimate”. Are there more leaves in the Amazon rainforest or neuron connections in your brain? (answer).
66. Make friends with math. Fight ‘innumeracy’.
67. Build a Memory Palace.
68. Learn a peg system for memory.
69. Have sex! (sorry, no links for this one!   )
70. Memorize people’s names.
71. Meditate. Cultivate mindfulness and an empty mind.
72. Watch movies from different genres.
73. Turn off the TV.
74. Improve your concentration.
75. Get in touch with nature.
76. Do mental math.
77. Have a half-speed day.
78. Change the speed of certain activities. Go either super-slow or super-fast deliberately.
79. Do one thing at a time.
80. Be aware of cognitive biases.
81. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would different people think or solve your problems? How would a fool tackle it?
82. Adopt an attitude of contemplation.
83. Take time for solitude and relaxation.
84. Commit yourself to lifelong learning.
85. Travel abroad. Learn about different lifestyles.
86. Adopt a genius. (Leonardo is excellent company!)
87. Have a network of supportive friends.
88. Get competitive.
89. Don’t stick with only like-minded people. Have people around that disagree with you.
90. Brainstorm!
91. Change your perspective. Short/long-term, individual/collective.
92. Go to the root of the problems.
93. Collect quotes.
94. Change the media you’re working on. Use paper instead of the computer; voice recording instead of writing.
95. Read the classics.
96. Develop your reading skill. Reading effectively is a skill. Master it.
97. Summarize books.
98. Develop self-awareness.
99. Say your problems out loud.
100. Describe one experience in painstaking detail.
101. Learn Braille. You can start learning the floor numbers while going up or down the elevator.
102. Buy a piece of art that disturbs you. Stimulate your senses in thought-provoking ways.
103. Try different perfumes and scents.
104. Mix your senses. How much does the color pink weigh? How does lavender scent sound?
105. Debate! Defend an argument. Try taking the opposite side, too.
106. Use time boxing.
107. Allocate time for brain development.
108. Have your own mental sanctuary.
109. Be curious!
110. Challenge yourself.
111. Develop your visualization skills. Use it at least 5 minutes a day.
112. Take notes of your dreams. Keep a notebook by your bedside and record your dreams first thing in the morning or as you wake up from them.
113. Learn to lucid dream.
114. Keep a lexicon of interesting words. Invent your own words.
115. Find metaphors. Connect abstract and specific concepts.
116. Manage stress.
117. Get random input. Write about a random word in a magazine. Read random sites using StumbleUpon or Wikipedia.
118. Take different routes each day. Change the streets you follow to work, jog or go back home.
119. Install a different operating system on your computer.
120. Improve your vocabulary.

Earn for Referring !

       To make money many are ready to trample on any idea, offer or opportunity given to them to earn them some change.its a known fact that money is the only thing that motivates people to work hard.Of course this thesis might be relative depending of various values, believes, goals, ethnic make of and individual and many more factors but it all comes down to one thing live a comfortable and good life.
     So there is this thing on the internet where your can earn money just my sending your friend a refer or commenting the refer link of comments and basically promoting the earn4refer  campaign.but your find that upon reaching the minimum amount required for a payout for example $20 in some cases $40  this comes
       what?  a survey? i can do it ...and i will be ready to go

I'm here to tell you that it is scam , these guys are using you to earn money in addition getting access to your emails and passwords and without even cutting you a clack ! you will never complete this survey !
BUUT don't give up there are many reliable earn for refer sites that you can register with and start earning but be sure to have done your research right ..... i'm still researching ,i promise to sure with you any findings i come across ! Don't give up!!!!

Hello readers

I greet you dear reader!
the internet today has become a home for many people out there who are trying to find their place in life, some come online to look for happiness, other look for business partners,sex partners,lovers,money just to mention but a few.i would love to use my blog to help many people realize their goals and dreams
this blog will basically talk about every aspect of life,business ,music dance and many more. you can visit my other website at 
      your support will be greatly appreciated so start subscribing  and lets do this!
your number one blogger rain-b