To make money many are ready to trample on any idea, offer or opportunity given to them to earn them some change.its a known fact that money is the only thing that motivates people to work hard.Of course this thesis might be relative depending of various values, believes, goals, ethnic make of and individual and many more factors but it all comes down to one thing live a comfortable and good life.
I'm here to tell you that it is scam , these guys are using you to earn money in addition getting access to your emails and passwords and without even cutting you a clack ! you will never complete this survey !
BUUT don't give up there are many reliable earn for refer sites that you can register with and start earning but be sure to have done your research right ..... i'm still researching ,i promise to sure with you any findings i come across ! Don't give up!!!!
So there is this thing on the internet where your can earn money just my sending your friend a refer or commenting the refer link of comments and basically promoting the earn4refer campaign.but your find that upon reaching the minimum amount required for a payout for example $20 in some cases $40 this comes![](
what? a survey? i can do it ...and i will be ready to go![](
I'm here to tell you that it is scam , these guys are using you to earn money in addition getting access to your emails and passwords and without even cutting you a clack ! you will never complete this survey !
BUUT don't give up there are many reliable earn for refer sites that you can register with and start earning but be sure to have done your research right ..... i'm still researching ,i promise to sure with you any findings i come across ! Don't give up!!!!
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